What is a TEDAŞ Type Approved Project?
Lighting poles approved by the General Directorate of Tedaş must be used in street and street lighting. The main reason for this obligation is to aim to use controlled, accurate and standardized products in our country.
According to the standards set by Tedaş General Directorate, the manufacturer company prepares and presents the static calculations of the product it designs in accordance with the geographical locations of the country.
Tests are carried out in the test laboratories of an independent accredited institution during the entire control phase of the product submitted for approval.
Turkey Electricity Distribution Company With this application, it has set a standard in the field of street and street lighting in our country. Thus, the compliance of the lighting poles to be used in our country with international norms has been fixed with the type project.
Why Tip Project?

Our municipalities demand the use of different types of decorative lighting poles, suitable for the historical and cultural texture of the service areas.
If the decorative lighting poles used in such projects are not approved by Tedaş, the municipalities have to pay the electricity and maintenance and repair costs continuously because they cannot transfer the network to the distribution company. This situation adversely affects the municipal budget.
The main purpose of Tedaş organization in requesting type project poles in the network transfer is that the static values of the poles used are controlled by their institution, they know that they do not carry any risk, and are designed and produced within the relevant international standards.